The Code is designed for youth workers but is relevant to all individuals working with young people and provides guidance to keep workers and the young people they work with safe.
We’re super excited to have launched the 3rd edition of the Code of Ethics at our 2020 AGM. And it’s now available to you for back order!!! This new edition features voices of youth workers across the motu, including young people working with young people and insights from our diverse community of practitioners.
Our live text version of the Code has been updated. We are excited to announce that we have created an Aotearoa based scenario card resource to accompany your Code of Ethics journey. They are called Navigating Youth Work Ethics cards! You can buy them from our shop!
Korowai Tupu. (2020). Code of ethics for youth work in Aotearoa New Zealand (3rd ed.). Ara Taiohi. https://arataiohi.org.nz/publications/code-of-ethics/
Ara Taiohi. (2011). Code of ethics for youth work in Aotearoa New Zealand (2nd ed.). Ara Taiohi Inc. https://arataiohi.org.nz/publications/code-of-ethics/
You can still download the 2nd Edition of the Code of Ethics.
First Edition published by National Youth Workers Network Aotearoa Inc, Wellington, 2008.