With young people we understand hononga, identify and strengthen connections.

Hononga is about joining and connection. Linked to whakapapa, it is about connection to people, land/whenua, resources, spirituality, the digital world and the environment. When we understand hononga we recognise all the connected relationships in a young person’s world (whānau, peers, school, the community), and the places and spaces that support these. Young people are supported to identify and strengthen these connections. Strengthening hononga also means recognising the connection between the hauora of young people and the hauora of their social and natural environment.

Mā pango, mā whero, ka oti te mahi
By red and by black the work is finished

Red here refers to the red ochre worn by chiefs; by contrast, the rank and file workers appeared black. The saying means that only by the united labour of chiefs and their followers can the task be accomplished.
(Mead & Grove, 2004) 

8. Tūhonotanga | Connectedness

8.1 Youth workers will endeavour to relate to, create, strengthen and maintain a young person’s connections to their key social environments

8.2 Youth workers recognise the importance of whānau and family, and the complex nature of these relationships. Youth workers seek to strengthen the relationship between a young person and their whānau. 

8.3 Youth workers acknowledge the in-person and online connections in a young person’s world, and engage with the places and spaces that support these relationships. 

9. Mahitahi | Collaboration

9.1 Youth workers build relationships and networks with other youth workers in order to gain collegial support and to share experiences, skills and knowledge. 

9.2 Youth workers collaborate with and respect other professionals and/or other significant people involved in the life of the young person. 

9.3 Youth workers are aware that working collaboratively can create challenges for confidentiality, and will act in the interests of the young person at all times, while also working within the law and their organisations policies. 

9.4 Youth workers seek guidance from Mana Whenua and Tangata Whenua with regard to working with Taiohi Māori. 

9.5 Youth workers will seek guidance from cultural or community experts with regard to working with young people from a background different to their own.