

Theme 2024!

‘We may not have it all together, but together we have it all’‘Māwherangi a tama roto ka taka, kāpuia ake ka pūrangiaho’ Whakapapa of this year’s theme Theme CreationWe asked…

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We need your help…

It’s time to submit your idea for next year’s Youth Week theme! We’d love for you to spread the work with all the rangatahi and taiohi you work with to…

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2024 Youth Week dates

Lock it in your diaries, teamies! Youth Week 2024 plans are underway! We’ll announce more details about the theme, design and grants over the next few months, so keep your…

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Youth Week 2023 collateral

Introducing the Youth Week Graphic Designer We would love to introduce you to our graphic designer for Youth Week 2023.   All the way from Whakatāne in the Bay of…

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Introducing the Youth Week Champions!

Kia ora to our Youth Week Champions! This year a rōpū of amazing rangatahi have come together to Champion Youth Week across the motu. These Champions work in the regions…

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Youth Week 2023 Theme Announcement

Rangatira mō āpōpō? Rangatira i tēnei rā! Leaders of tomorrow? Leaders for today! Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa. Thank you to everyone who submitted a Youth Week Theme…

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