Mauri (o te Taiohi)

The mana young people have

We fuel the mauri, the inherent life spark of young people, supporting the development of their identity

Our thanks to Rawiri Tapiata, Norm Mann, JJ Rika & Arohanui West!

Mauri is the life spark inherent in all young people.  It includes their values beliefs, skills, and talents.  Fuelling that life spark means young people are seen, recognised and valued for who they are.  Young people are supported to follow their interests and passions, and to actively construct their own identity.  Linked to their whakapapa, when their mauri is secure/solid, young people stand in their own truth.

Mauri mahi, mauri ora

A working soul is a healthy soul

The sources suggest ‘the industrious liveth’. Places the advantages of industry in opposition to the unpleasant results of idleness: e.g health vs sickness, security vs vulnerability, prosperity vs poverty.

(Mead & Grove, 2004)