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Youth Week


Youth Week grants for 2025 have CLOSED.

Thanks to the generosity of our funders, the Ministry of Youth Development, Ihi Aotearoa Sport NZ and Wellington City Council, Ara Taiohi offers funding for Youth Week events up to the value of $1,000 + GST.

2025 theme: Take Our Place – Whai Wāhitanga

Youth Week and its culmination of events aim to amplify young people’s valuable contributions to their communities by supporting them in designing, delivering, and evaluating all aspects of the week. We aspire for Aotearoa to lead in being a country where young people are vibrant, optimistic, supported, and encouraged to take up challenges. 

These funded events need to be organised by young New Zealanders to celebrate the talents, passion and success of local young people and designed to encourage young people to take on challenges, share ideas and focus on the positive aspects of being young. Alongside this we will prioritise funding showcasing the following areas: 

  • Aligns to the theme.
  • Promotes positive youth development (Mana Taiohi principles) in Aotearoa for young people aged between 12 and 24
  • Is inclusive and accessible.

Important dates 

  • Applications close Sunday 16 March, 5pm. 
  • Successful applicants will be notified by Friday 28 March, 5pm with a congratulatory email and a ‘Payment and Agreement’ form. 
  • Payment and Agreement form needs to be returned by Monday 7 April, 9am.
  • Participant feedback and evaluation of your event is required for funders and our reporting. We will stipulate the needs for this with your congratulatory email to be able to implement this into your event preparations. Please keep Monday 16 June as a due date.

Points to note 

  • You will receive an automated response once your grant application form is submitted. If you do not receive this, please reach out to Youth Week team.
  • You will hear back from the Youth Week team if they have any follow-up questions once your application is received. Please ensure your answers are clear to help our grant reviewers. 
  • Funding applications cannot be largely changed once they have been submitted.  
  • The strength of the application is supported by its relevance to the Youth Week theme, reflection of Mana Taiohi principles and supports inclusivity and accessibility needs. It is advised that the details pertaining to these are not amended and removed. 
  • While an organisation can run multiple events, we will only offer a maximum of $1,000 + gst per organisation. It is your choice whether you would prefer to submit a single application or one per event. Please note that regional sites of a national organisations can each apply separately

Evaluation Report 

You will be provided with surveys to be distributed and collected at the funded Youth Week event and with any youth apart of the design and event creation. These must be returned alongside the Youth Week Evaluation form to youthweek@arataiohi.org.nz by Monday 16 June, 9am. It is important for us to have this information for our accountability to those who fund Youth Week and to help us improve Youth Week in the future. We may use any quotes, images or artwork that you send us on our website, social media and in Youth Week publications. You should ensure you have the consent of those involved before providing this kind of material to us, and that those consenting understand their quotes, images or artwork may be used in this way. 

By accepting the grant, you are agreeing to the Ara Taiohi grant process. If you have any questions, please contact youthweek@arataiohi.org.nz

Grant terms and conditions 

  1. Your event must happen during Youth Week (19 – 25 May 2024) and in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
  2. You must complete a Payment and Agreement form with details about who will receive the funds by Monday 7 April, 9am.
  3. You must complete an evaluation form by Monday 16 June, 9am. 
  4. You must distribute a participant survey to young people engaged in your event. 

All terms and conditions will be sent alongside the Payment and Agreement form and confirmation email of a grant being accepted. Once completed, the Payment and Agreement form need to be signed and a scanned copy sent to youthweek@arataiohi.org.nz 

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