
Korowai Tupu

Apply for membership

If you believe your work with young people and your ability to advocate for them would be enhanced by having your professional identity recognised, then applying for Korowai Tupu membership is for you.

When I eventually found youth work as a sector I felt like I’d found my tribe – and at every turn people couldn’t have been more welcoming, supportive and interesting. I see Korowai Tupu as an extension of this.

Nikki Hurst, Korowai Tupu Accredited Member

Why join?

Connected we stand strong – Joining Korowai Tupu recognises your mana as a youth worker. Be part of a community of youth workers shaping the profession.

Membership Benefits


Professional status recognising your mana as a youth worker.

Raised profile and valuing of youth work across Aotearoa.

Vehicle to meet requirements of the Vulnerable Children’s Act.

Career Development. Established qualifications, career pathways and professional development opportunities.

Being part of a community of youth workers shaping our profession.

Best Practice. Someone young people can talk to who uses youth work best practice.

Be part of a collective voice for Youth Work and young people in Aotearoa.

Promotes equality in pay and conditions with other professions.

Discounts for conferences and Kaiparahuarahi (our journal), etc.

Quality Standards. Increased consistency, quality and accountability of practice.

Who can join?

Youth Work is a unique profession and Aotearoa is a unique nation. As such, youth workers have designed Korowai Tupu to ensure it is inclusive of both voluntary and paid youth workers, formal qualifications, informal training, and values experience in the field.

For example, a volunteer might work full time in a bank, but their life meaning/purpose is expressed through after hours’ voluntary Youth Work, in an organisation that has support their training internally over years. Korowai Tupu is for these volunteers, as much as for full-time, paid youth workers who has a degree in youth development.

What’s involved in being a Korowai Tupu member

Being externally accountable to Ara Taiohi’s Code of Ethics for Youth Work in Aotearoa through our feedback process.

Committing to ongoing professional development through our transforming practice journey.

Have a question about applying? See our FAQ’s.

The Korowai Tupu application process is undergoing an upgrade, and we are unable to accept any new applications at this time. We estimate that we will re-open applications in mid-May. 

If you would like to learn more about the process and what it means to become a member of Korowai Tupu, we encourage you to look at our About page and review the ten Core Competencies for Youth Work.

If you would like to connect with the team whilst waiting for applications to re-open, you can email korowaitupu@arataiohi.org.nz

As well as these, membership of Korowai Tupu includes all the benefits of Ara Taiohi membership, a membership card and a poster you can share with your young people.

Find out More

Code of Ethics

Our behaviour is guided by our ethics and our ethics are based in our values.

The Code of Ethics provides an agreed set of guidelines for youth work in Aotearoa to ensure that youth work is carried out in a safe, skilled, ethical manner.

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