Korowai Tupu
Feedback & Complaints
As a member of Korowai Tupu you are accountable for your practice. We invite young people and others who engage with you as a youth worker to give us feedback about you.
As a member of Korowai Tupu you are accountable for your practice. We invite young people and others who engage with you as a youth worker to give us feedback about you.
As a member of Korowai Tupu you are accountable for your practice. We invite young people and others who engage with you as a youth worker to give us feedback about you.
What happens if someone complains about me to Korowai Tupu?
We have designed a disputes resolution process based on restorative principles consistent with our commitment Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We look to process complaints in a way that upholds and uplifts the mana of all involved.
A summarised version is outlined here – to read the whole process read our Restorative Processes Information Sheet. If you have any questions about the process contact the Korowai Tupu Manager on youthwork@arataiohi.org.nz.
All complaints will be received by the Korowai Tupu Manager (the Complaints Officer) who will gather the information necessary to allow the complaint to proceed.
Based on this information the Complaints Officer will triage the complaint to assess whether the complaint can proceed, considering:
At all stages in the process:
Recognising and building the mana of youth work and youth workers