Join Ara Taiohi Group Membership Application Form

  • Thank you for your application to join Ara Taiohi! We're really excited to have you join our ever expanding community that welcomes and supports everyone with a passion for youth work and youth development.

    For the 2023/24 financial year, Ara Taiohi is waiving Group & Personal Membership fees. For those who are still able to, your contribution is welcome. Click here for fees. Please note Korowai Tupu fees still apply.

  • Organisation details

  • Enter the legal name of your organisation
  • Enter the trading name of your organisation (if different from above)
  • Please provide us with one to two sentences about your organisation that we can use to promote you on our website. See 'Our Members' on the website for examples (
  • Please provide your Charities Register number if applicable. We use this information to populate Takiwā, our online data visualisation tool (
  • Primary Contact

    Please enter the following details about the main contact person for your organisation.
  • Please provide a billing email address for any future invoicing.
  • Please indicate if your organisation wishes to opt out of fees. The financial year ends 30 June. Membership fees help Ara Taiohi to remain financially viable and offer our services to the youth development sector, so we encourage members to pay where they can.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.