The panel will be made up of 4 youth representatives from both organisations, and 3-4 local government representatives. We will aim to invite politicians such as Moko Tepania, Campbell Barry, Sophie Hanford and Tamatha Paul.
The panel will run with the opportunity for youth panel members to ask questions to each politician. The audience will also have the opportunity to ask questions as the discussion takes place to both the Youth leaders on the panel and the Politicians. We will run the panel as a Zoom webinar and Facebook live.
We hope to foster constructive conversations with youth and the NZ public about this issue, amplifying the voices of rangatahi, and influence politicians to support and push for further action on lowering the voting age in their area. This will inform both the NZ public and other 16- and 17-year-olds who are learning about why the voting age should be made 16. The panel aims to highlight the capability, value and skill young people already have and bring to our society. We will create a post event highlight video that will reach a wider audience of those who couldn’t attend the event. This will also be able to be used as an educational resource available for schools, community groups, members of the public and youth. It will be available on our social media platforms, Education Hub, and YouTube.