Aligning with both our Pou (rangatiratanga, whai pūkenga and tūhono) and the youth week theme (Rangatira mō āpōpō? Rangatira i tēnei rā!), the Upper South Leadership Day is a wānanga for transition-aged care-experienced rangatahi aged 15 – 21 years designed to inspire, empower and build leadership among out rangatahi atawhai.
We are planning a day in Nelson for rangatahi atawhai from Te Tau Ihu (Top of the South) and Te Tai Poutini (West Coast) to:
• Hear from other inspiring care-experienced leaders.
• Develop their leadership skills through participating in workshops.
• Explore the concept of tino rangatiratanga, transitioning into independence, and being the leader of your own story.
• Have transition to independence providers and services around as an expo at the end to connect with the rangatahi atawhai – and rangatahi leave with a goody bag
We are looking to collaborate with organisations like Oranga Tamariki, Whakatū Marae, Caring Families Aotearoa, Transition to Independence Providers, and Open Home Foundation to promote this event and recruit participants.
What we hope to achieve:
• Begin investing in the next generation of care-experienced leaders
• For rangatahi atawhai to meet, connect, and share ideas with other rangatahi atawhai.
• Destigmatize “care-experience” through promoting the stories of successful and inspiring care-experienced people/leaders
• To create a forum to discuss what a future leadership group for rangatahi atawhai in the Upper South could look like
• Encourage rangatahi atawhai to apply to join the RYC
• Provide event organisation and coordination opportunities to our RYC members