


142 Guyton Street, Whanganui , Whanganui , WHANGANUI, 4500


Start 08:30 pm
End 12:00 am


Evelyn Hiri-Gush
021 189 8765


Midnight Basketball

The Midnight Basketball event will occur at the Springvale Stadium, Whanganui, from 8.30 pm – 12 pm.
this will be the 3rd year this event has run; at the past two events, we have had feedback our rangatahi want more of this. It is an open court event however, this year, we will open a court up for Wheelchairs basketball.
Open Court: This allows Rangatahi to play basketball or shoot and games in a safe environment.

However, this year, Whanganui Basketball will take the lead in this event. But also be guided by our representative basketball teams, as they are our future.

Our Goals for Midnight Basketball Event are:
– Create an opportunity for rangatahi to engage with their friends and new people
measured by the number of rangatahi who attend an event.

– To encourage youth who do not typically participate in organised sport to have
fun and experience an activity without the competitive aspect – measured
through a youth feedback survey during the event (satisfaction %)

– To offer a fun ‘different’ event to engage and activate our region rangatahi

– Also provide a space for those Rangatahi that represent their rohe in their
choose sport to give back to their community.

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