


46 Kelvin Street , Invercargill, Southland, 9720


Krista Farley


“Leading the pack” design and print your own apparel item

Building on the success of the t-shirt event run last year we want to build on this further.

This year we plan on running the event over two afternoons – one located down in bluff to reach the rangatahi that may not be able to make it into the CBD due to transport barriers and the second afternoon we plan to run in the CBD in the new Invercargill mall area ( just working on confirming this location) so that we encourage to the youth to come into the central space and feel welcome and comfortable in this area.

We are going to put out a design brief across southland using schools , SIT , local business and spaces, and others within the youth services network ( youth workers, social workers ect )with the aim to reach as many people as we can not just those reached through mainstream channels, This event is to support and increase youth voice by helping them connect and engage with the
world around them having a voice on what matters to them. Youth will design slogans to illustrate what they want to say and project this out to the world on t-shirts. We will add entry drop boxes to various locations across southland so people can submit their designs that way otherwise they can be dropped to our office , emailed, shared via social media.

We will then narrow down to various designs and then upload to social media for voting to select the top 4-6 designs that will be pre-cut and weeded for the
event and depending on the complexity of the designs we also looking to use a screen printing method.

The t-shirt designs will be created by youth and printed onto t-shirts using a hot press printing machine which are managed by the project leads Krista and Danielle and other rangatahi (there are only x3 machines)

On the day of the event youth can choose which design they want to press on their t-shirt .

Alongside the opportunity to create their own piece of wearable art, we plan to run a competition for a logo design to go with our tag line "Leading the pack"

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