


Zoom Join Zoom Meeting https://electionsnz.zoom.us/j/86052970734?pwd=a8bNPNMgmOjzB4ZNrqGu159Pu7ESas.1 Meeting ID: 860 5297 0734 Passcode: 210524 To join the hui, click the zoom link above or open zoom and enter the meeting ID. Then enter the passcode below (the passcode is the event date). We will then let you into the meeting. If you have further questions about using zoom, please contact us (our emails are also in the event description).


Start 06:00 pm
End 07:15 pm


Olivia Trass and Tori Holden
0272482132 or 0225286816


He ara mō ngā Rangatira Āpōpō: Weaving pathways for Leaders of Tomorrow

Every young person’s participation is a crucial part of the complex tapestry of our shared future. We each hold a thread which is our path of action. Every action, in its diversity, is a necessary part of the whole and interweaves with others’ paths along the way. Some young people will be taking the very first step of civic and community participation, which is grabbing the end of their thread – finding something they care about and acting on it. For others, they’re already weaving their section of the tapestry. Our kaupapa is to support all young people, no matter what thread they’re weaving or where on their path they are, to take the next step.

Our content is informed by community feedback on what you want to know about elections and participation. We’ll be breaking down the 2023 General Election, how a vote turns into a parliament with power, and what Parliament actually does. We’ll also discuss how young people can have their say, even in a non-election year, by engaging with politics or by acting at a community level.

This will be a one-hour workshop held on zoom. It’s for any young person who wants to learn how to find, use, or leverage their voice. It is hosted by two of our Youth Advisors, Tori and Olivia.

To join the hui, click the zoom link below or open zoom and enter the meeting ID. Then enter the passcode below (the passcode is the event date). We will then let you into the meeting. If you have further questions about using zoom, please contact us (our emails are below).

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 860 5297 0734
Passcode: 210524

We aim to create a space for all young people to comfortably participate. If you have accessibility requirements, please contact us to talk about how we can support you (our emails are below).

Host contact info:
Tori Holden — tori.holden@elections.govt.nz
Olivia Trass — olivia.trass@elections.govt.nz

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