

1127 Haupapa Street, Rotorua, Bay of Plenty, 3010


Start 09:00 am


Felicity Jansonius-Bidois


App Design Contest

“Rangatira mō apōpō? Rangatira i tēnei rā! Leaders of tomorrow? Leaders for today!“

During Youth Week 2023, we will provide the opportunity for rangatahi to develop their own apps based on their own creativity, problem-solving skills and innovation. We will approach all secondary schools in the rohe (10 secondary schools) to put forward their business case for app ideas under one of five themes; social impact, environment, business innovation, well-being (collective and/or individual) and culture.

The aim is that students will design apps to solve issues and enhance the community. Once apps are submitted, one app per school will be selected to assess the feasibility and at least one app will be built and given to the winning group to own, use and promote.

• Reviewing and selecting the top app idea based on feasibility and potential impact
• Collaborating with the winning student(s) to design and develop the app within a week.
• Hosting a demo day where the students can showcase their app to the public at the Careers Expo, and other attendees.
• Doing a tour of the business network through Chamber of Commerce BA5 and RotoruaX.
• Launch apps for the community’s benefit

The primary goal of this contest is to provide an opportunity for high school students in Rotorua and empower them to have a tangible tool to address real-world issues. We also hope to inspire and encourage students to pursue careers in technology, entrepreneurship and leadership in Rotorua.

While the actual contribution to strategic outcomes might be difficult to measure in the short term, it will allow rangatahi to access an exciting opportunity that may have long-term benefits.

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