Health and Social Service Clinical Supervisor, Unitec. I am a Registered Social Worker, Accredited ISSC Counsellor and Social Worker, Facilitator, Empowerment Coach & EFT Practitioner. SWRB, ANZASW, EFT International
Having a supervisor that actively listens, is able to ask the hard questions and get you to dig deep is fundamental to continuing good robust practice and healthy, respectful impactful interactions with clients. I provide a non-judgmental supportive and encouraging environment where you are able to feel confident that you are able to share and explore any issues, concerns or needs and know that this remains a confidential collaborative relationship between the supervisor and supervisee.
I have experience in care and protection, health, mental health, trauma, sexual abuse, Child Protection (Police), working with children, teenagers, adults, people with anxiety, addictions, PTSD. Working with young people and adults with ID, gender identities, inmates. Community
Bachelor of Social Work
Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers, Social Work Registration Board